General Information – DoctorB Bülent Cihantimur


  • Monday - Friday

    8pm - 6am
  • Saturday

    8pm - 2am
  • Sunday



  • Monday - Friday

    8pm - 6am
  • Saturday

    8pm - 2am
  • Sunday


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Aesthetic surgeries are very personal operations and it should not be done to please someone else or get a popular look.  You should get it only for yourself.

Aesthetic Surgery Prices

The prices of aesthetic procedures are rather variable. Costs will vary according to many factors. That’s why we suggest out patients to make financial plans firstly. For example, prices may include the following costs:

• Surgeon fee
• Hospital or clinic costs
• Anesthesia fees
• Medications to be used
• Medical tests

The issue more important than these finances is the experience of the surgeon and how equipped is the clinic. Therefore, while choosing a clinic or a surgeon for aesthetic surgeries, remember that the doctor’s experiences are more important than the final costs.  Experience and expertise are invaluable elements in aesthetic surgery. Don’t forget this: when you get negative results after the operations you have chosen due to the lower price, you may hurt your body and after revision treatments you pay the same prices in total and the price of the operation arises.

Most health insurances and SGK (Social Security Institution) do not cover aesthetic surgery.

How the Examination Of the Aesthetic Surgeries Is Done?

After you decide it, you can take your photographs from different angles as instructed and send us before coming to Doctor B’s clinics. Even though the final costs and procedures are going to be clear when you come to our clinics, getting prior knowledge by sending photographs is beneficial for you to have an idea. When you come to the clinic, you are firstly met by Doctor B’s private patient consultants. Our professional and expert patient consultants provide you with prior knowledge and they prepare your file. Afterwards, we come to the Doctor B’s examination. After getting information about your health and health history, he answers your questions. You should tell Doctor B about the medications you use, chronic diseases and you should answer all other questions.  After your pre-operation photos are taken for the examination, he will tell you all the necessary details.

Pre-operation interview and examination and patients’ trust to their doctor are as important as the operations. Therefore, it is beneficial asking questions mutually between doctor and patient.

Doctor B’s questions you will be asked during the interview:

• Why do you want this operation and what are the results you expect?
• Do you have any allergies to any medications?
• What are the vitamins, drugs, herbal supplements you are currently consuming?
• Do you smoke or drink alcohol?
• Have you undergone surgery before?

Also Doctor B answers your questions about the operations and mentions about the methods he is going to use. Don’t forget to get information from Doctor B about risks or complications that may occur.

Preparation for the Surgery

Details may be required before the operation:

• Laboratory tests or medical assessment
• Taking certain medications or period of medicine being taken
• Stop smoking 2 weeks before the surgery
• Don’t take aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements which can increase bleeding

Special precautions to be taken by the patient:

• A night's rest before the surgery
• Make your plans about your work and home for post-operation.

You may need help. All of the operations have the lowest potential risks in spite of the Doctor B’s experience; arrange a friend or relative as a hospital attendant in case you may need to stay in the hospital after any possible problem.

Risks of Cosmetic Surgeries and Safety Information

Aesthetic operations are personal preferences. Therefore, you should be aware of the possible complications and risks and you should think thoroughly about how beneficial this operation will be for you.

After Doctor B provides you information about possible complications and risks, he will ask you to fill a consent form. Possible risks are as follows.

• Bleeding (hematoma)
• Capillary problems
• Asymmetry
• Heart and lung complications,
• Infection
• Slow healing of scars
• Anesthesia risk
• Blood clots
• Nerve damage and numbness
• Skin loss
• Discoloration of the skin
• Irritation in stitches
• The need for re-operation

Feel free to ask questions to Doctor B. Asking questions to your doctor is as important as the cosmetic operations.  It is normal to feel anxious because of pre-operation stress or a new look. Don’t be shy to express these feelings to Doctor B.

Aesthetic surgery is a science. Even though people mostly get good and positive results, there is no guarantee. In some cases, it may not be possible to get the best results with only one surgical procedure. Another operation may be needed.

It’s the key of surgical success to follow Doctor B’s instructions. After the operation, it is your responsibility to protect the area during the healing process. Doctor B will give you special instructions to protect yourself and take care of the operation area.

After the aesthetic surgery

Before leaving the hospital, it is suggested to get information about the procedures you need to apply after discharge. Therefore, it is beneficial to make sure that you know the answers of the following questions.

• What medications I need to use when I get home?
• After the operation, when will the bandages or other attachments be removed?
• Am I going to get dressing? If yes, when should I come to the hospital?
• Which cream and active cosmetic products should I use?
• When can I start my normal activities and work out?
• Will there be any swelling, edema, bruising?

Return to Normal Life after the Aesthetic Surgery

All techniques used by Doctor B are planned to get over the healing process comfortably. After the aesthetic operation, it is very normal to observe edema for approximately 5 days. Between 5 and 21 days, remission period starts. Edema is no longer observed after the 5th day. From 21st day to 6th month is the recovery time. From the 3rd week you can fully continue to your social and business life. After the 6th month, you observe 80% of the result and at the end of the 2nd year you observe the final result. That’s why, for all operations you should be patient and revise your nutrition and exercise habits by following Doctor B’s suggestions.