“Prominent Ear Operation with Threads”
“The “Prominent Ear Operation with Threads” is a non-surgical and very simple method and enables everyone with prominent ear problem to have aesthetic ears in only 20 minutes.
Prominent ears pose an aesthetical problem that is due to birth or genetic reasons. It causes people of all ages to experience problems in their social lives, to be excluded from social life as well as failure to establish healthy relationships because of self-esteem issues. However, prominent ear problem can be resolved very easily with the “Prominent Ear Operation with Threads” which is a non-surgical procedure that can prevent all psychological problems.
The psychological problems caused by prominent ears are now becoming history and this issue is dealt with using a simple medical cord. The “Prominent Ear Operation with Threads” method developed by me is a method for which I have received immense feedback. Different than classical prominent ear aesthetic applications, we observe in this method that our patients are no more thinking by themselves. We complete the prominent ear operation with threads without tiring our patients in a very short time which is especially suited for our child patients. Since ears complete majority of their development around the age of 6, prominent ear operation can be done starting from that age. The best time for treatment of congenital prominent ear deformities especially in children is the pre-school period when the child is starting to take care of him/herself and starts taking part in social life. Children with such ear deformities should be treated at an early age so that they do not experience problems at school with their friends. The Prominent Ear Operation with Threads is a very easy operation and it is done by folding the ear backwards using a special tool and threads with point incisions. As is the case in my other methods, I carry out an application with minimum risk of complication since I give importance to the comfort and recovery time of the patient. Minimal incisions are made in the prominent ear plastic surgery with threads and there is no need for medical dressing or bandages after the operation. We only put on a hair band over the ear to protect it following the prominent ear operation with threads that takes about 15–20 minutes under local anesthesia. The prominent ear operation is also known as incision-free otoplasty and the patients who are able to see the new appearance of their ears are sent home with full motivation.
You can say goodbye to the ears that have caused you worries and lack of self-esteem with a very simple operation requiring only outpatient treatment procedures.
Take care of yourself and your soul.