Don’t cover it up, the solution is really simple..
We can provide a practical solution to the “Urinary Incontinence” problem with my Genital Rejuvenation method.
A patient of mine came in. She is a 52 years old lady, menopausal and an extremely beautiful and well-groomed lady. I have known her for ten years, she visits me on a regular basis, we chat and we perform applications like Spider Web Facial Aesthetic and Botox. She is one of the members of “Reject Aging” group and a very intellectual patient of mine.
When she came in 2 months ago, we were having a funny conversation and laughing. She asked for a couple of minutes before proceeding, she came back to my room after 5 minutes. Obviously, she was upset about something. Then shyly, she mentioned her urinary incontinence occurring while laughing, sneezing…
This is a case seen in 30% of all women over the age of 40. And they are very uncomfortable about this issue. Urinary incontinence problems ruin their lives, but they are trying to cover it up because they are shy about it. They have to use pads and carry spare underwear all the time.
Don’t cover it up, the solution is really simple..
When she shared her problem with me, the most touching part was her experiences while she was wearing bathing suits at the beach. I told her that this problem can be solved with an extremely simple operation.
Let’s move from the story part and talk about the reasons of urinary incontinence and how to solve it…
Our bladder fills with urine coming through the kidneys. When it fills up, a signal reaches our brain via nerves and shortly the muscles are actually given the order “contract and hold the urine”. We go to the toilet, the brain sends signals again and this time it gives the “relax and loose” command.
Muscles right under the bladder that helps to hold urine has a function that allows us to hold and discharge the urine. But old age causes the muscle tissue in this area to be weakened. Moreover, if you’ve had an uncontrolled vaginal delivery or a high-weight baby delivery in your history, it is possible that your muscles and fat tissues are deformed.
In short, if you have a urinal incontinence problem we observe that the collagen tissue of that area is not strong and supporting tissues below the bladder are loosened. In our country, the 80% of women who had normal delivery have problems like the degradation of the vaginal anatomy and weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. Therefore, we use two different techniques for urinary incontinence problem according to the size of the problem.
Cihantimur Fat Injection for Urinary Incontinence Problems
It is very simple, fat injection application is performed on patients without too much deformity. The fat injection that we prepare with the patient’s own fat cells, enriched with stem cells has many advantages:
- Urinary incontinence problems can be solved
- Damaged collagen tissue is renewed
- The supporting tissues below the bladder become stronger
- With the healing process provided by the stem cells, a very quick recovery is provided.
- The patient’s own tissue is used instead of a foreign substance.
- The area gains form and becomes fresher
Surgical Intervention for Urinary Incontinence Problems
For the patients who have advanced urinary incontinence problem and serious damages on the anatomy of the area, we aim to surgically form that area. All the drooping, deformed muscles and tissues that cause involuntary urination can be operated and falling bladder and all pressing tissues can be formed.
Two weeks ago, we performed an treatment on my patient with Cihantimur Fat Transplant Injection. She called me a week after the treatment and her first sentence was: “Why did I wait so long?” …
Yes, there is a treatment for urinary incontinence, don’t postpone it.
Take good care of your body and soul!