Travel – DoctorB Bülent Cihantimur


  • Monday - Friday

    8pm - 6am
  • Saturday

    8pm - 2am
  • Sunday



  • Monday - Friday

    8pm - 6am
  • Saturday

    8pm - 2am
  • Sunday


Need Help?

We provide a professional service to our International patients including Welcoming them at the airport, VIP transportation to hospital, procedures during and after the treatment and every step on their way home. All these processes are monitored by the International Patient Department of Doctor B’s clinic.

Start Your Travel

Our professional and expert International Patient Unit is a team that provides support to our patients on every issue. International Patient Unit plans a privileged treatment process with consulting services starting from the time before you even come to Turkey, during and after your travel, your diagnosis, treatment, invoice, transportation, translation and accommodation arrangements.

With our experience acquired over many years, we know your needs and expectations.

  1. Contact Us:  You can contact us via e-mail, phone or online communication lines and ask any question. Serving you with our Multilingual team, International Patient Unit officials will get back to you within 24 hours.
  2. Appointment Scheduling: As a result of interviews, your appointments are made and you are provided with a detailed treatment planning.
  3. Travel and Accommodation: Before you come, your hotel reservation is made according to your desire or our suggestion and your transfer to the hotel from the airport is provided.
  4. Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Process: After being examined by Doctor B, the treatment plan is revised and the treatment process starts.
  5. City Tour*: Would you like to observe the magical atmosphere of Istanbul and take a trip accompanied by professional guides? All you need to do is to specify that you want to live this experience with your hospital attendant.

Online Examination

With the guidance of our International Patient Unit, you can send us your photos taken from different angles of the area that the application would be performed and can make us to help you more. With these photographs examined by Doctor B, we can quickly estimate the costs and create a possible treatment plan. Therefore, you can get the average cost information and you can get the details about your treatment process without coming to our clinic.

If you want to ask questions to Doctor B and get more information about the operations you can contact us...

Istanbul City Tours*

Istanbul is a magical city which is full of historical and cultural inheritance wealth. By its location, the stream coming from black sea passes into Bosporus and Marmara Sea it reaches Mediterranean. Thousands of year archeologic remains, historical artifact left from Rome, Constantinople and Ottoman Empire accompany unique view of the Bosporus. It is a World city where different cultures, languages and races live peacefully. It is a giant settlement area that lives traditions and ancient and modern age with skyscrapers that show up behind Rome Church on the corner. Istanbul is a culture messenger blended with cultural and traditional hand workmanship, tasty foods, art and craft of Anatolia. You can find stores of leading trademarks of the World and Istanbul is a market place with centers. Pier Loti which views golden horn, Governor that salutes Çırağan Palace and Galata Tower which watches Dolmabahçe are beauties that make Istanbul legendary.

If you would like to visit this unique city and know its culture and history closely when in Istanbul, you can join the events as follow;








and you can get detailed information about this subject from international patient consultant.

B Concierge

B Concierge offers a medical travel service in Istanbul with the motto of” Just imagine, let us do it!”. In addition to the airport, hospital transfers, interpreter, health treatment, diagnosis services in different areas also provides a pleasant holiday, artistic activity, workshop or a different option to the patients before or after the operation. Your medical travel assistant, B Concierge, helps you experience a unique health tourism experience with multilingual translation services.