To beautify, freshen and reform the breast
There are lots of boob job methods in plastic surgery. In my 22 years experience I see that woman want natural breast, no scar, comfortable healing period.
Breast Beautification
Breast Beautification is performed by using methods developed by me. The primary aim of Breast Beautification is to beautify, freshen and reform the area. Also, it is possible to obtain the desired size and form by using implants. But those who want larger breasts do not consider plastic surgeries because they are afraid of surgical operations and unnatural results. By applying Spider Web Technique and Cihantimur Fat Transfer in the breast area, the signs of aging due to their structural characteristics, thus prevent the drooping problem and provide 1-2 cups larger size. Also this is the technique which the new generation want.
When we examine the anatomic structure of breasts, we observe structure similar to spider web. There is no muscle tissue in this structure, other supporting tissues provide its size and shape. In time, a looseness is formed in this structure similar to spider web because of gravity. We add extra strength to these tissues with Spider Web Technique. This technique helps to shape the breasts. Then, if our patient wants to have larger breasts we inject the stem cell enriched fat taken from the patient’s own body into the breast area through micro openings.
Breast augmentation and a breast lift
Breast augmentation and breast lift are often used in the same sentence, and also they are often confused and patients has a lot of questions in their minds. However, those are very different, as they address different needs. In breast lifting surgeon performe the surgery by designing to reposition the existing breast tissue on the chest. In breast augmentation, the subject is designed to increase breast size.
Implant augmentation and a fat transfer augmentation
Fat grafting as you know it is also called fat transfer to breast. This procedure is performed by removing some fat from troubled areas using liposuction then inject patient’s own fat into breast. Also this includes 2 step. First one is body contouring and a transfer to the breast for augmentation. It doesn’t include lifting, just makes your breasts bigger and fuller. One of the biggest advantages of fat transfer to the breast is that it provides natural results. Also Breast Beautification is too. May be this is the most natural breast augmentation method. As said before, it’s your own fat, so you don’t have to worry about implant failure or exchange.
A consultation between plastic surgeon and patient can be extremely helpful to determine which one is right for the patient. For example some patients needed both a breast lift and a breast augmentation or lipofilling but many other patient will need just one or the other. So consultation is obligatory
Types of breast implants
Yes there are different types of breast implants. Classic, round implants with silicone or saline. In my opinion silicone implants look and feel more natural than the others. And in my experience patients have silicone implants feel much better than saline. Silicone implants are softer, they have a different consistency, and they aren’t as heavy. And the shape of implants have to be chosen by patients breast tissue and breast position.
The best method for breast augmentation
There’s no “best method” choice between the techniques, it depends on patient specifics and the individual goals of each patient. But in my experience the placement of submuscular placement is better because it tends to yield more natural looking results.
And the recovery period
Recovery period will be easier than what the patients think. Patients don’t have major pain because precise incisions and personalized care is very important and we really attract importance to this. However this can vary according to the surgical technique and patients individual pain tolerance, they may return to their usual routine within just a few days. 6 months later we see the final result.But in my method, since the Breast Beautification does not require suture or incision, the patient can immediately go home after the operation or spends only a night according to the circumstance. Patients immediately recover and go back to their business and daily life in couple of days.
Fat transfer to breast
Cihantimur Fat transfer is “two-for-one,” natural enhancement procedure for breast augmentation with using autologous fat transfer, In this procedure we use liposculpture method to remove the regional fat from tummy, thighs, or flanks (love handles) and inject it into your breasts. First we select the donor site and then take and transfer it to the breasts. But before the transfer, the collected fat is centrifugal, stem cells separated from the cell and only this part is transferred and we carefully injects hundreds of minute individual fat droplets into the breast site using an instrument called a cannula.
Ideal candidates for fat transfer to breasts are the patients who desire a modest increase in breast size without a significant need for breast lift, and who have adequate fat in donor sites. In Breast Beautification, I’ m using stem cell riched fat transfer, so this method is ages with patients. It is a permenant procedure.
Yes of course I recommed because of the natural results. I recommend it to everyone who are thinking of boob jobs. It is safe and simple, short recovery period, no pain and no scars
What is a breast lift?
A breast lift is a surgery for sagging or drooping breast that designed to reposition the existing breast tissue on the chest. It is the best method to correct sagging or drooping breasts. But don’t forget this lifting doesn’t increase the amount of breast tissue. Therefore, if women who are not happy with their breast size and shape, it should be combined with breast augmentation procedure.