New, taintless, natural approach to breast deformation
The breasts are the most distinguish difference between men and women and is one of the regions where aesthetic operations are performed most following nose surgeries. Even if breasts do not have any function except mother lactates her baby and they are known as an important sexual passion center of attention in almost every culture. This organ that helps distinguish male and female iconically is the most important symbol of femininity and fertility.
The breasts that start to grow slowly beginning from budding period and 8-10 years of age in average complete its development with puberty accompany women during their whole life. Growing and decreasing of breast gland cells temporarily has been seen during menstrual period and the greatest change is observed during pregnancy. They start to produce milk with pregnancy period and then delivery. The mother who lactates her child is instinctively programmed to carry out the divinest mission of the World. Deformation is experienced in breasts of all women after the mission of lactating and the losses of form and vitality are observed, combined with gravity in time. Therefore, the loss of form in this organ that is the sign of femininity leads to lack of self-confidence in most women.
Ideal Size
Even if breast type and size is hereditary, some hormonal imbalances may lead breasts to overgrow or different abnormalities. As breast size may vary from women to women, both symmetry and size differences are observed between 2 same-sized breasts.
There are women who are complaining of loss of breast form after delivery and lactation as well as the women who do not like the size of their breasts. Before anything else, the advice I can give for the women who think to have breast aesthetic is to focus on the size of their breasts because it is impossible to talk about an ideal breast size. There are breast styles that vary from age to age, even from culture to culture. However, only subject that does not change in all is that breast is live and sharp rather than coarseness of breasts. For example, that a 170-cm woman and the more petite, pint-sized woman have same breasts demonstrates that the thesis that there cannot be an ideal breast size.
New, taintless, natural approach to breast deformation
The subject that makes us think uttermost in breast aesthetics is the trace problem. We can place implants with 3-cm incisions but the size and place of trace may change if mastopexy operation is required. However, we mainly perform implant placement by using the technique called inner mastopexy without increasing that trace.
Ideal Shape
However, we have developed a new technique. The Spider web technique, with this technique we are revitalizing the breasts that their vitality and form are lost due to delivery and lactation and knuckle down gravity. With this technique, breast base and nipple height gets its previous form back and breast globe is shaped back into the armpit. Thanks to this technique, the most natural breast form is protected and asymmetry is achived, and in short that is the ideal shape.
We are revitalizing breasts with the Spider web technique combined with Cihantimur Fat Transfer that we structured by using fat cells removed from other parts of patient body. Breasts are restored by a incisionless skin tightening, with The Spider Web Technique and Cihantimur Fat Transfer System. With Spider Web Technique, absorbable medical sutures are placed under the skin via very fine needles to trigger your body to start producing collagen and cell regeneration.
In addition, Whether implants are placed or breast grown only with fat injection, the most natural form should be caught by performing some fat injection under, in front of and behind the breasts. In short, performing last touch with the patient’s own fat cells will create perfect appearance. That is the ideal breast that looks natural in other words.
This article is published in IMCAS ACADEMY